Monday 24 August 2015

It's Been Such A Long Time

Ok, so I know it's been a while (ahem) since the last time I posted. In my defense, if you'll accept this excuse, the last academic year was really challenging for me, due to what God was doing in my heart for most of the year. I did my best to update about the work that my team and I did, but honestly, by the time May came around, I was totally shattered. So, please forgive my lack of updates from then until now. I really have appreciated everyone who has asked me if I'm going to continue writing my blog--it's nice to know people read it. Because honestly, if no one's reading, what's the point in writing? So, for those of you who do read it, I will write for you :) Thank you for caring :D

Since my last post, my team and I have finished our year on Pais Walsall and graduated. My beautiful team members have all gone their separate ways. However, I have agreed to stay and lead the Pais Walsall team again until Christmas.

2014-2015 Pais GB Graduation!

 2014-2015 Pais Walsall with Pastor Mark Webb

My Germans have all gone back home and will shortly begin new adventures pursuing their education. Becca has made the transition to Pais USA and is rocking Arlington, TX like no Brit ever has before, I am sure! I am so proud of them all and cannot wait to see what God does in their lives and where He leads them from here!

2014-2015 Pais Walsall Germans with the 2015-2016 Pais Walsall Germans! Aren't they lovely?? :)

After graduation and a week of leadership training, I returned to America for about 5 weeks, just long enough to visit friends and family and get a new visa. I managed to visit Indiana, Tennessee and Virginia during my short time there and was so blessed to be able to spend quality time with loved ones. 

I think my highlight of the summer, though, was the week that my best friend came to visit me in Portsmouth! We had a great time going to Williamsburg (my favorite place in America!) and the beach, and hanging out, watching British tv, reading books, drinking coffee and talking about life. 

And now, I am back in Walsall, leaving tomorrow for Burnley where I will spend the next 2 1/2 weeks in training. I will meet my new team--two English girls, two German girls (one who will not come until October) and a guy from India. I will be sure to introduce them to you once I have met them. I think this is going to be a great team and I look forward to all that God will do in them and through them this year on Pais GB!

Also, for those of you who don't know, beginning in January, I will be moving to Burnley and joining the National Directors, working in the head office doing Communications to help support and grow Pais GB. I am very excited about this new opportunity that has been presented to me and I look forward to embracing a new challenge!