Monday 27 April 2015

A Visit from Italy!

Well, I must say the highlight of the last few weeks was when my beautiful friend and sister Miss Italia came to visit me. Walsall is not the nicest place for a holiday, so I did the best I could and took her to Lichfield. Here are some pics

The weather was amazing and the time I got to spend with my beautiful friend was so special. I did also show her *lovely* Walsall and suggested she visit Birmingham when I had to work. Her visit was such a blessing for me and I hope it isn't another year before I can see her again!

Friday 10 April 2015

An Overdue Update

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated! Basically the second half of Term 2 has passed without any news from me! My apologies!

So much happened during this time, especially in the lead up to Easter! The holiday was an amazing opportunity for us to share the Gospel with our students--over 500 young people heard the Gospel message from our team, in addition to the RE lessons we taught, as well as our regular clubs. We were so busy! Here are some pictures from the weeks before Easter.
 One of our local mission projects this term was to encourage our students with positive notes we taped to their lockers. Students and staff members alike were incredibly receptive to this! 
Bible study! One of my favorite things about Pais is how we study the Bible together and get active with it! This particular week we studied Daniel 3. 
In addition to our regular clubs, we got to help out with a special girls' club called Miss Understood! 
Johanna at one of our lunch clubs encouraging the students to choose positive influences in their lives. 
The week before we broke up for Easter holidays all of the Year 7 students got to watch the Miracle Maker, a movie about the life and death of Jesus. It was also from this room that we got to preach the Gospel to each student from Year 7-11! Over 500 young people! What a privilege!
A lunchtime activity about Easter, challenging the students to think about what Easter means to them and connect the day of celebration with the concept of forgiveness.

My beautiful team!!