Tuesday 24 February 2015

My Birthday

For those of you who don't know, I just celebrated a significant birthday. And while sometimes it's difficult to be away from family and friends who know me well during times of celebration, God has graciously given me friends here in Walsall who would not let me skip the festivities. Ruth wonderfully arranged for a group of us to hit Stratford-Upon-Avon for an afternoon for lunch and to see a Shakespeare play!

For starters, we stumbled upon the BEST little cafe in Stratford, ate sandwiches and crisps (chips to you Americans) and had coffee and dessert to celebrate! This is Hobson's!
They had a lovely range of sandwiches...
...and about 1,000 cakes to choose from. Making a decision was a challenge
 More cakes
 And even more cakes
 But this is what I finally settled on, Caramel Crunch cheesecake, which was probably the most amazing cheesecake I've had in my entire life!
 And then we went to see Love's Labours Lost, which was hilarious, but unlike most of Shakespeare's comedies, does not end with marriage but rather with a challenge from the women to the men that, if they really love them, they will wait exactly one year, and then return to pursue them. My thoughts: those women are nuts... 
 Birthday decorations at home with birthday flowers from several friends
 The chocolate cake and Walsall t-shirt Ruth got me. She told me to wear it with pride. That's not a problem!
 Flowers from my best friend!!
 On my actual birthday I took the day off and went to London to have a 'secret' day, a day with just me and God.
 And I ended the day at Caffe Nero, my favorite cafe!
Unlike most birthdays I've had, I didn't want to make a big deal of this one, and I was relieved when it was over, but I am very thankful for everyone who helped me celebrate! To those who sent me cards, emails, and FB messages to those who blessed me with gifts and flowers, to those who spent time with me, I am so grateful for you, so THANK YOU!! 

Sunday 15 February 2015

Weekly(?) Wrap 27

Ok, I will admit I have been incredibly delinquent lately regarding updating, and for that I apologize! Life has been interesting recently. But it's all good! Work is great, the school is fantastic, the students are crazy, my team is amazing and God is my everything! I just hit a milestone and celebrated a significant birthday, and now tomorrow my team and I are off to Burnley for the annual Swap conference. I'm sure it's going to be great! I hope to have time once we get back next weekend to write a proper post with pictures! Until then, thanks for stopping by my blog and for those of you who pray for me--THANK YOU! Your prayers are vital to this work and to what God is doing in this town, this country and in His Kingdom! Amen? Amen!