Monday 19 January 2015

Weekly Wrap 26

Well, we have successfully completed the first two weeks of Term 2. It is astonishing to me that in 4 weeks we will be half way through the year! Thus far, we have continued the work we have been doing--breakfast clubs, lunch clubs, our Christian Union, after school clubs, assemblies (for both primary and secondary schools) and are focusing on really cultivating our relationships with the students at school, those we are specifically mentoring. Surprisingly, it isn't the easiest thing. Yes, we are there Monday-Friday and see the students every day, but focusing on just a few mentees each (as we're asked to do) is a challenge when there are over 700 students constantly around us. But we're getting better at it! I have been very pleased with the work my team is doing, that they are getting better and faster in creating and carrying out ministry and they understand better what they're doing and how to do it. They need less leadership from me in some areas, and that is great as it gives me opportunity to get us started on new projects, like RE lessons! Our first RE lessons begin this week, and we're discussing Christian marriage with the students. I'm looking forward to this challenge and seeing how it goes!

Sunday 4 January 2015

Welcome to 2015!

Well, Happy Holidays! I hope your festivities matched up to or even exceeded your expectations! For me, I spent mine relaxing. I read a lot, spent time in worship and prayer, and hung around Walsall. It was a great two weeks and now I feel refreshed and ready to go back to work tomorrow!

Term 2 begins in 12 hours! I know it will go by quickly. I have some great expectations for this term, and I know God will make it a good one!