Sunday 7 December 2014

Weekly Wrap 25

Well, this past week began with a huge highlight for me. Clara, Felix and I had the privilege of accompanying a coach full of Year 11 students to Leavesden (outside of London) to see the studios where they filmed the Harry Potter movies! Yeah, I have a rough job, I know. Pics are at the bottom!

This week we also did a lunch club about what the Bible says about LOVE as well as had prayer spaces, giving the kids a chance to connect with God for themselves!
This was our appeal for our lunch club where Clara preached the Gospel and students responded to the fact that the Bible says God loves them.
 Chilling in one of our prayer spaces before students came in.
In Germany St. Nicholas Day (6th December) is a big deal! We celebrated by showing the Pais documentary to some of our friends and cooking German food for them as well. Oh yeah, and we got chocolate St. Nicholases to eat!

Harry Potter World Pics!
Clara, Felix and Me outside 3 Privet Drive (the house next door to the Dursleys). And that is Butterbeer in my hand, non-alcoholic goodness! 
Me and Clara in the Gryffindor Boys dormitory #scandalous
The Mirror of Erised supposedly shows you your heart's deepest desire when you look into it. I won't tell you what I saw ;)
The bridge that leads to Hogwarts 
Felix outside the Potters' house 
The Butterbeer was really nice... :)
The cupboard under the stairs
The Great Hall decorated for Christmas 

Felix being pensive in Dumbledore's office 
 Gryffindor Common Room
Entrance to Dumbledore's Office 
 Potions classroom
 Weasleys' house
 Umbridge's office 
 Number 4 Privet Drive
Hagrid's Hut
 Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley