Thursday 28 August 2014

FT Week 1

I am here!!! It's been over a week since I arrived in my beautiful England, and almost straight away, I was set to work, work being Foundational Training. The leaders for this year's Pais GB teams met early for Pre-FT, and our team members arrived a few days later.

It has been a very busy week, filled with training, fun and getting to know each other. Our days have been stuffed with training sessions and serving one another as well as the community. We have learned a lot and have just over a week more of training. It has been so encouraging and inspiring to discuss (again) what we are doing and why we are doing it

The schedule for today
Our awesome Welcome Team including my beautiful Assistant Team Leader
Dan, our Assistant National Director discussing one of the Kingdom Principles: Rubbish In, Rubbish Out 
On Monday afternoon we went to Burnley town centre to hand out lollipops along with Because You're Loved cards to show the love of God to the people of Burnley. This was our debrief. My fabulous team is in the back row!
Team leaders discussing Kingdom Patterns with Kelli, our Training Director
We've made sure to take time to have fun in the midst of all the training. 
 Playing games in our free time
Youth Worker Games!!! Yes, this is an actual part of our training!
 Just chilling
Two members of my Cafe Team working hard!
Consequences for being late to a session 
Pais Walsall Germans embracing the British life! I love them already!

Monday 18 August 2014

So Long, Fare Well

I'm leaving tomorrow!!!

Wow, these five weeks have FLOWN by. I cannot believe how quickly they went. Thankfully, I have had time to rest, to work, to read, to visit, to plan, to think, to pray and to dream. It has been lovely. 

My summer reading:

Some highlights of my summer:

I got to be a guest at my mom and stepdad's house for the summer in beautiful Virginia and see the lovely people of St. John's. It's always nice to be back!

My dad and stepmom came down from Indiana to visit me. We had a great time together and hit Williamsburg while they were here.

Bruton Parish Church, where George Washington and Thomas Jefferson frequently worshiped.
Me and my favorite Williamsburg garden (It's in the shape of the British flag).
The back side of the Governor's Palace

I was able to go to Tennessee to visit friends in the Tri-Cities. I didn't get to spend time with everyone I would have liked to, but I feel so blessed that I have so many loved ones there it's hard to squeeze them all in! The best friend, obviously, has no choice but to hang out with me, and it was such a gift to spend time with her. Love you bfitwww!

I got to see the Lord provide for me in so many different ways this summer. He has shown me, again, what a great DAD He is. He takes care of me so well. He arranges all the details, even the tiny ones. He cares about it all and it has been encouraging to see Him provide for all of my various needs. 

Tomorrow I leave for the UK. After a very quick summer, spent mostly working, I am looking forward to being back, getting to know my team, and getting to work. As I go, I will, of course, update you. Updates usually come Sunday evenings, and I do my best to update every week with pictures. 

Thank you to all of you who have supported me in encouragement, prayer and finances. Please know I love you all and could not do this work without you!

Many Blessings!!