Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Beginning--in England

So, "why Amanda FrizzyHair?", you might be wondering. Well, I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or if it's just being in England (where it's always raining), but I'm coming to the realization that no matter where I go, my frizzy hair always comes with me. The time, energy and money it takes to tame this mane of mine is time,energy and money that could be spent on other things, like adventure! :) And because I would rather experience LIFE than spend it straightening and re-straightening my hair, it's Amanda FrizzyHair. So I'm off on adventures. My first--England where I am spending a year living and working at a prayer and conference center. I have been here six days and met so many new people. I don't know where else I could have gone and met so many people from so many places. Czech Republic. Hungary. Spain. South Korea. Germany. Switzerland. Madagascar. Brazil. Kenya. Uganda. I am the only American here and after a few days of getting used to that fact, I am loving it. I've spent a significant amount of time in England before, so I knew basically what to expect as far as terrain, weather and food--green, rain and bad. No culture shock there. Still, it's different from America and it does take some getting used to. Being out in the country is a stretch for me, so far from conveniences and commodities. I haven't been to Battle yet (the nearest city), but I will definitely get there this week. Induction starts tomorrow--finally!- after being here almost a week and we're going to ASDA (UK version of Walmart). I will be able to get sweetener and British peanut butter (so good!).